Peanut has a bedroom! We decided that "Gram's room" would make a great nursery with the amazing view out the back windows.
A great big thank you to my step-mom Myra for painting. It looks AMAZING!
I am absolutely in love the furniture and bedding
The changing table on the right has a special history. My grandfather on my mom's side made it when my older brother was born, and I used it as a baby as well. I am so excited to get to use such a special piece of furniture for our baby. There is a cradle we have set up in the living room he made also. I can't believe how perfectly it matches with the new furniture! Thank you Granddaddy Q. We love it so much!
Thank you to everyone who has helped us get the nursery together. It still needs to be decorated and has a long way to go before it is ready to bring home baby, but it's getting there!
Posted in: on Monday, March 8, 2010 at 0 comments