Thank you Cy & Jane We LOVE it!!! We thank God for sweet friends like y'all ;)

Thanks for the help Easton!!!

Gotta make it work!

He was happy... I got some work done. Excellent.

I can climb all by myself!

He had been helping us fold his clothes but apparently he got bored. He pushed the diaper box until it stopped at the changing table then climbed it to explore the shelf. We just sat there and laughed until he bonked his head reaching for something towards the back of the shelf and got upset. What a trip!!!

Oh boy are we in trouble

Snuggle bugs

Wait... I think something is wrong...

Thanks Uncle Dan! I love my scooting dino!

He has all the toys in the world...

And the only thing that has made him happy today is the empty bags in the corner. Oh yeah, the cooler and water bottle are awesome too.

Sweet boy

Field is SO wiggly during diaper changes we have had to get creative entertaining him. He has a glowing egg shaped thermometer (changes colors based on the temp for quick reference) that entertains him... For now at least!

Clean clothes are fun!

Helping with the laundry