Holding hands

If Field isn't holding something in his oh so dexterious little
fingers, they are grasped together like this. Always. Super cute, but
a little weird...


Happy Halloween!

Field & Aunt Ashley

I'm pretty sure Field won't ever learn how to crawl because we are
terrible at enforcing mandatory tummy time. Thanks to Aunt Ashley he
had a great tummy time session this afternoon. Maybe there is hope for
him yet!


We have a bonus puppy this weekend. Maggie's sister Marley is staying with us while my Dad and Myra are out of town. Field could watch Maggie play all day long so 2 "Maggies" practically mezmorizes him! Marley is very gentle and sweet with Field. I think she would have made an excellent mama. Maggie is much more playful with him. Gentle enough, but playful still. Maggie is on the right with the camo collar and Marley is on the left. 

Field and Marley

Nom Nom Nom

Field is much more nimble all of a sudden! He is getting good at using his hands to grab things and pulling his weight around to put himself in different positions. He was sitting in my lap tonight (while I was working on blogs, of course) and this is the position he got himself into. He sucks on his socks but so far has had only a little luck actually getting his toes into his mouth so I'm sure he was excited when gravity was actually working in his favor this time. LOVE IT!!!

Boo hoo!

Not happy with the game.

Oatmeal cereal, yum.

Spoon, double yum.

The cuteness

Check out my cool Vans

Thanks Aunt Brady, they ROCK!

Loves the water

Field used to cry when we took him out of the bath he loves the water
so much. Recently he started actually playing in the water and really
enjoying it. If he is crying, just walk over to the sink and turn on
the water.

Ready to be a regular blogger!!!

I have been having trouble getting pics to post from my phone and
since I have negative time to sit down at the computer and blog, moble
blogs are the only option. I figured it out tonight though so check
back often!

I returned 3 containers of formula-yep the ones with beatle larvae in
them...- and picked up this awesome exersaucer for the shop. Field
loves any of the parts he can put in his mouth. I love that I can get
extended play time out if this station just by rotating him, meaning I
can cram a bunch of shop work into 30-40 consecutive minutes rather
than 10-20 minutes. Thank you Baby Einstein!